Tip #3: Become a Wordsmith

[for context, see the original post Ten Tips for Becoming a Better Pastor]The third tip for becoming a better pastor is to become a wordsmith. Words are the tools of your trade. You need to master the use of them.I’m not talking just about preaching. I’m talking about praying and counseling and writing and leading. A pregnant, powerful, arresting turn of phrase can often be the means the Holy Spirit uses to bring repentance, growth, or transformation. But if you, like, just keep rambling on until you, like, think of something to say… well, you know.Reverse engineer this: God gave us his revelation in words. That means that the Creator intended human language to carry the freight of eternal, divine Truth. It matters what you say. It matters that you say. And it matters that you say it well. As those “entrusted with the oracles of God” (Romans 3:2), as those who believe that “the Word became flesh” (John 1:14), there’s a lot at stake in our words.Yes, I’ve read all the studies about how we live in a “sound bite culture,” and how the average adult attention span is 20 minutes, and how people don’t retain information. When you hear these things, you need to remember that they are usually written by people who a) stink at writing and preaching and b) were educated in government schools. ‘Nuff said.There’s a reason why Will Rogers is funny. There’s a reason why people still listen to MLK’s “I Have A Dream” speech. There’s a reason why the works of Lewis and Chesterton are classics while Left Behind is just a book. It has to do with the power of words: words fitly chosen, rightly framed, and provocatively delivered. You will probably never be Lewis or Chesterton or MLK. But you should be a keeper of their tradition.Learn to love words. Pay attention to their use. Keep a notebook to record interesting phrases. Listen to good musicians and ponder their lyrics. Read (good) poetry. Read your Bible profusely. Study a foreign language. Choose your words more carefully, even in conversation. Hang out with word nerds more often.Don’t just say it; say it well. Become a wordsmith.


Tip #4: Spend Less Time on Sermon Prep


Tip #2: Listen and Read Widely