Training Event: Evangelism & the Missional Church

What does it mean to “share the gospel?" Some of us don’t even know. Others of us are jaded by bad experiences: pushy people, emotional manipulation, gospel tracts devoid of relationship. Most evangelism training methods are stuck in the 80's, rooted in cultural assumptions that are no longer true. To borrow a metaphor from Tim Keller, we tend to assume the "intellectual furniture" of God, man, sin, Christ, and faith is already present in our hearers' minds and just needs to be rearranged. But what if the furniture isn't there in the first place?Coram Deo's leaders have seen a pressing need in our church for better training in this area. So, in partnership with Porterbrook Omaha, we’re bringing in a friend: Reid Monaghan, a fellow Acts 29 pastor from New Jersey. Reid will train us in the “how-to’s” of sharing the gospel – in the context of a missional church and a post-Christian culture. No tract-bombing. No canned gospel presentations. No “close-the-deal” salesmanship. Just a theologically rooted, biblically faithful, contextually appropriate way of talking about Jesus.We're excited to open this event to all of our friends in Omaha who might benefit. Please help us spread the word. For further details or to RSVP, go here.


On the Beauty of "Forced Community"


Why We Use Liturgy in Worship: Part 5